Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Someone Once Said

I once read somewhere the only thing you can control and change is you.  You can't change the people around you or the weather, but you can change you and your situation.  Instead of harping on the negative think about the positive and if you can't find the positive maybe it's time to move on to something bigger and better.
I know what you're thinking change is difficult and why should I change.  Well if you're unhappy, you need to find you're happiness and the best way to do that is to figure out why you're not happy.  It could be anything a relationship, being sedintary, your job, etc.  But make a change and be happy.  If you're exhausted take a vacation.  If you're angry with someone let them know because holding it in will only effect you.  It's not hurting them at all.   If you're tired of the everyday shake it up. 
So, go out and make a change.  Try something new.  Life is an adventure so go out there and live.

Today's Workout of the Day
400m run
20 ring dips (red band)
20 med ball cleans
20 burpees
200 m run
30 sit-ups
30 pull-ups (red band)
30 air squats
400 m run
Time: 14:48