Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's All Relative

It's all relative
The weight on the bar.  The push.  Your drive.  Your determination.  Your work ethic.  It's all relative to who you are and the type of person you are. 
Some people are content in just doing enough.  And that's OK by me, if you are content with that, that's fine.  But don't complain when you could change your situation by putting in some hard work, but it's not worth it to you.
Some people are driven.  I consider myself to be driven.  I want to be better so I push.  I push in every aspect of my life: work, education, relationships, health, CrossFit.  But that's me.  I've never really settled, so it makes sense to me to keep pushing and wanting more. 
My point...Push for a little more.  You may surprise yourself and realize that you've always been able to do more you were just to scared to try.
Good luck this week:)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Power of Semantics

Yet another year has passed.  It was a year of changes and a year of firsts for me.  I ran my first half marathon, competed in my first local CrossFit competition, and had to grow-up a little more than I wanted to a lot faster than I expected.  But all in all it was a pretty good year. 

What does it all mean?
So as 2011 came to an end 2012 began and I started seeing lots of posts about resolutions and goals.  I noticed as I read the posts that the friends using these different words could be grouped into two groups: CrossFitters (Goals) and Non-CrossFitters (Resolutions).

Goals vs. Resolutions
In my humble opinion goals and resolutions are the same thing.  It's all about the semantics and the power of the word.  When I set a goal I usually strive to achieve that goal, however, when I set resolutions I seem to fall by the wayside.  For me goals are more obtainable and more concrete.  Goals are the small steps, whereas, in most cases (for myself) resolutions are the ultimate goal.  So this year like last year I am setting goals instead of making resolutions, but unlike last year I am setting month to month goals in order to stay focused.

My Goals:
1. To improve my kip in order to do pull-ups more consistently in workouts.
2. To clean up my diet as best possible.
3. To improve my hydration practices, drinking at least 32 oz. of water a day.

Hopefully, I will be able to obtain these goals by February.  My big goal is to consistently post about my life this year.  I started out so well last year but then fell of the wagon, so I'm going to try at least 4 posts per month.  I'm hoping posting all of this will increase the level of accountability I feel and will help me obtain my goals. 
Accountability is important so if you have goals or resolutions share them with someone who will help you obtain them and keep you on your path.  Good luck in the New Year:)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jump Ropes, Shoes, and Shirts.....Oh MY!!!

Equipment, equipment, equipment.  It seems like I'm always buying something to try and help me improve my workouts.  So, Again Faster has a new jump rope and guess who wants it.  I do it spins faster than my Buddy Lee rope, but when you miss the double under you pay for it.  I really don't know if it will help improve my times or improve my double under skills, but the point is I want it. 

I recently bought a pair of Newtons to run in.  I'm still adjusting to running in them because of the natural style the shoe employs.  But this has to be the third pair of shoes I've bought in about three months.  I tend to buy shoes for everything.  I buy the shoe to train in, run in, etc.  I almost bought the new Reebok Crossfit shoe at the games and I think I would have had it not been for the simple fact that I just bought a pair of Saucony's a week before I went to California for the games.  I'll probably be buying that shoe once it comes out or asking for it for Christmas.  The beauty of this shoe is that it is a lifting shoe that you can run in.
Oh and did I mention socks.  You have to have the right socks.  The ones that wick away the moisture from your foot but still feel awesome on your feet.  Personal favorites are Balga but recently I bought a pair of Lulu Lemon's and absolutely love them.  I haven't ran in them yet but can't wait to try them out.  And then there are compression sleeves.  I have Skins and really like the results I've gotten from them but I know there are others on the market however I haven't tried them.
Did I mention T-shirts and shorts yet.  Well I should.  I love the new Lulu Lemon Boogey shorts I got.  The only compression type short that I have ever liked on me, so if you've tried and tried compression shorts and you hate the way they look, I totally recommend you try Lulu Lemon  T-shirts, we all have our preferences, I love RokFit.  I think I own almost every one they make.  They feel awesome and look the same way.  I also like Life as RX and several others.
Last thing you need to complete the equipment is a WOD book.  You can buy an app for the phone such as Beyond the Whiteboard or just keep it in notes or buy a journal.  I bought a sports journal at the games and am super excited about it.

Any recommendations on equipment I will gladly take them and if you have any questions about equipment I'll do my best to answer them or direct you to someone who knows.  Happy WODing:)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Someone Once Said

I once read somewhere the only thing you can control and change is you.  You can't change the people around you or the weather, but you can change you and your situation.  Instead of harping on the negative think about the positive and if you can't find the positive maybe it's time to move on to something bigger and better.
I know what you're thinking change is difficult and why should I change.  Well if you're unhappy, you need to find you're happiness and the best way to do that is to figure out why you're not happy.  It could be anything a relationship, being sedintary, your job, etc.  But make a change and be happy.  If you're exhausted take a vacation.  If you're angry with someone let them know because holding it in will only effect you.  It's not hurting them at all.   If you're tired of the everyday shake it up. 
So, go out and make a change.  Try something new.  Life is an adventure so go out there and live.

Today's Workout of the Day
400m run
20 ring dips (red band)
20 med ball cleans
20 burpees
200 m run
30 sit-ups
30 pull-ups (red band)
30 air squats
400 m run
Time: 14:48

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Warrior Dash and Bear's First Run

So this weekend marked my second Warrior Dash in Logan, Ohio.  Wow, what a difference a state makes.  This course was all hill and it was tough.  Not any injuries this time but an enjoyable time with great friends.  I definitely recommend trying a race like this one.  Check out for upcoming races and details about obstacles in some of the courses.  There are two coming up close by in Ohio and in Tennessee.

When I returned from the Dash, I took Bear for his first run in Ritter Park.  For those of you who don't know, Bear is our new edition who is full of energy and is going to be my running partner.  He is part sheep dog and a bunch of other stuff.  He did great and 1.5 miles in the morning didn't slow him down at all, so he returned to the park that evening and ran another mile.  He was super tuckered out. 

Since Thursday I have not been to the gym.  I am battling what I am calling allergies, but thinking more of a cold.  However, I will make my return tomorrow and keep you updated on my progress.  A new challenge has started at our gym and I am taking the challenge.  Details to come soon.

Happy Tuesday everyone:)