Monday, January 31, 2011

Just because.....

Just because it says it's healthy doesn't mean it's healthy.  We've all been sucked into the microwave meal market at one point or another but get out.  Learn how to eat healthy properly.  Just because it says healthy, lean, or smart, doesn't mean that it is what it says.  Look at the nutritional facts on those boxes and no I'm not just talking about the calories and fat, but the carbs and sodium contained in those meals.  How much of this meal is great for you and how much isn't?  Think about that next time you pick one of those meals up and throw it in your cart.  But that just doen't go for those types of meals but also yogurts and other things.  I looked at someones yogurt the other day and noticed it had 19 grams of carbs.  Wow!!!  When I eat yogurt I usually eat the Carbmaster yogurt, not only is it low in carbs but it also contains a lot of protein.  So, all I am saying is be vigilant when you shop.  Shop healthy and make good decisions about what you put into your body.

Today's WOD
The Dirty Thirty
30 mountain climbers
30 double unders
30 sit-ups
30 wall balls
30 push press (75lbs)
30 back squats (75 lbs)
30 lunges
30 air squats
My time: 13: 25

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My First Adventure into the Primal Blueprint Cookbook

Today I took a walk on the primal side.  I like to follow one of my coach's nutrition blog ( and it just so happend that an interesting recipe was posted.  It looked like something that Pat would like to eat so I made it.  My first recipe from the Primal Blueprint Cookbook was Tatanka which is a chili.  The recipe is as follows:
Note: this recipe comes from the Primal Blueprint Cookbook by Mark Sisson – a totally rockin’ cookbook, which is highly recommended by my coaches site!
  • 2-3 slices of uncooked bacon, chopped
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped
  • 2 pounds grass-fed bison
  • 2 T chili powder
  • 1 T fresh, minced oregano
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1.5 – 2 cups water (or beef broth)
  • 14.5 oz can chopped tomatoes with liquid
  • 1 T unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 T apple cider vinegar
In a large saucepan or Dutch oven, cook bacon over medium-low heat until slightly brown and some fat is rendered out. Add chopped onion to the pan and stir into the bacon. When the onions are semi-translucent, add garlic and stir. Cook a few minutes longer. Add ground bison to pan and cook over medium-low heat until brown (cooked) throughout and no pink remains. If fat seems insufficient, add some of the reserved bacon drippings (or butter or olive oil) to keep bison meat from sticking to the pan and drying out.
Add spices, water or broth, tomatoes and stir well to combine. Cover and simmer over low heat for one hour, stirring every 20 min.
Add vinegar and cocoa powder and stir well, adding a bit of water if necessary. (I’ve used beer before in this instance :-) Simmer uncovered another 20 min. Taste and season with sea salt and black pepper. If you want to “kick it up a notch,” add a few dashes of your favorite hot sauce. (I added sarachi chili sauce.)
Garnish with chopped avocado, shredded cheese or sour cream. Makes 6 servings.

Pat enjoyed this dish a lot and added some sausage to the chili and said it was excellent.

For a little snack I made a cranberry almond bread, which I made up the recipe.  The recipe is as follows:
2 C Almond meal/flour
1 C Agave Syrup or honey
1/4 C of almond milk or coconut milk
2 eggs
3/4 C cranberries
1 T vanilla
1/4 C almonds

Preheat over to 350.  Mix flour, agave, milk, eggs, and vanilla together. Stir in cranberries and almonds.  Put in a bread pan and bake for 45-55 minutes.  Let it cool and enjoy.

Let me know what you all think of the recipes. 

After making this meal I headed to the gym with Pat where we did a team workout.  Great job guys.

Today's WOD
Teams of 3
9 wheelbarrow walks (3 per person)
6 leap frogs
60 kettle bell swings (20 per person)
6 burpee broad jumps
60 sit-ups with a 20lb ball (20 per person)
150 double unders (50 per person)
Pat doing a kettle bell swing
Our time: 36:00

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cheat Days

We've all experienced the urge to not eat what is exactly allowed on our diet.  When I stray I call it my cheat day.  A wise man once told me that if you want a cookie eat a cookie, just don't binge and eat the whole bag of cookies.  Today, I ate the proverbial cookie.  After an awesome team workout at the gym, a group of us went to Fat Patty's (a local burger joint).  I don't eat meat and since I ate a salad for lunch I didn't want to eat  just a salad, so I ate a salad, grilled cheese, and fries.  Let me say that I ate the salad first, then the grilled cheese leaving the crust, and finally 3 french fries.  I use to take down that meal like a champ and today I couldn't even finish it.  Although the meal was delicious, I feel like crap now (bloated). 
However, I am a big proponent of the eat the cookie approach when it comes to dieting.  It is easier to stay on your diet when you allow a little bit of wiggle room.  Strictly dieting 24/7 at least for me has led to food binges and then abandonment of the whole diet.  That's why when I want the cookie I eat it.  Then I go back to my diet without a problem.  I'm not saying everyday should be a cheat day but I am saying if you want the ice cream or the bun or whatever your vice is eat it but don't do it to an extent to which you can get back to your diet.

Today's WOD
Team workout; Teams of four no more than three people working at a time
300 pull-ups
400 push-ups
500 sit-ups
600 air squats

Great job to all the teams!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Crossfit Intense Games

Sorry about being on hiatus for so long.  I took a break from working out for about a week to allow for some much needed rest and recovery.  Along the way I went to Fairmont with Patrick and some more of the Crossfit Thunder crew and played cheerleader as they competed in the Intense games.  The Crossfit Intense Games were just that INTENSE.  The Thunder crew definitely represented us well. 
The games were composed of four WODs.  WOD 1: 10 minute AMRAP (As many reps as possible) 50 double unders then overhead squat with a kettle bell (1 pood; 1.5 pood) as many reps, if the kettle bell fell below the head there was a 50 double under penalty, after the 10 minutes contestants were then given three minutes to complete as many kettle bell swings as possible.  WOD 2: 15 minute AMRAP Burpee Barbara (20 burpees; 30 pushups; 40 sit-ups; 50 squats).  WOD 3: 90 second AMRAP with atlas stones. WOD 4: Sandbag Run.
It was amazing to watch the competitors and their determination during each workout.  Sara was awesome at Atlas stones and brought home the trophy for that event.  Overall, Sara finished 5th which qualified her to compete in the WV games.  Great job girl.  A lot of my fellow ladies competed in the non-RX division.  Katie took first and Ashley took third in that division.  Awesome job ladies.
Congratulations to all who competed.  You all are awesome and you all inspire me:)

Monday's WOD
Deadlift (155/225) used 135
HSPU (Handstand Pushups) banded
Time: 9:35
Not for Time: 30 deadhang ring dips (small black band)
120 second tuck hold

Today's WOD
5 Rounds
20 feet hand stand walk
20 sit-ups
30 double unders
Time: 15:45
Not for Time: 50 straight leg deadlifts (85lbs)
30 deadhang pull-ups (blue band)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Trip to The Grocery Store Paleo Style

For most people going to the grocery store is a weekly event.  It's the same for me, but my path is very different from most individuals.  I avoid the majority of the aisles in the grocery store and make my choices very carefully.  Like most people I use to roam the grocery aimlessly going up and down all of the aisles with my list, but adding anything that looked tasty to the cart.  The cookie aisle and the bakery was my nemesis.  I couldn't pass up the Oreos or the cupcakes.  Now I avoid those aisles all together, along with the pasta aisle.  The majority of my time is spent at the produce, the meat case, and the frozen fruits and veggies section, with an occasional trip to pick-up some almonds. 
The difference in the grocery bill now is not much, however, the amount of food I bring home is a lot less than before paleo.  This makes me think of why our country is so overweight.  To eat crappy processed carbs instead of good carbs and meats is cheaper and simpler.  These items are always staring you in the face at the store while you have to seek out the healthy alternatives.  For example, I like to make paleo cookies when I want something sweet and to do so I have to have almond flour.  To find almond flour at my Kroger you have to know where to go.  You have to go to the health food section and look carefully for it and then you'll find it for $9.99 per bag (not cheap).  Some ingredients I have been unable to find locally that paleo recipes sometimes call for include arrowroot powder and coconut oil.  I really wish that my area had a health foods grocer that carried healthy alternatives to common ingredients and had a wide selection of fruits and veggies.  While I dream of such a place I'll just continue to look for and buy these products on the internet.  Stay healthy everyone.

Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe 
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 c almond flour/almond meal
1/4 c chocolate chips
1/4 c honey or agave (you can use sugar if you like, I prefer agave)
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 egg

Preheat oven to 350.  Mix all of the dry ingredients in the bowl then add all other ingredients and mix well.  Use a tsp to scoop out small balls of dough onto a cookie sheet.  Bake 10-15 minutes.  The cookies will not look done but will feel hard to the touch when they are finished baking.  Let them cool and enjoy:)

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Verdict

So as I've mentioned before I've kind of been on the injured reserve for the past weeks.  Today, I finally went to see the orthopedic surgeon.  He agreed that the mass on my wrist was a ganglion cyst and decided to drain it.  He drained the mass with an 18 gauge needle (pretty big) and I got to see the clear gel like substance that has plagued me for so long.  The chances of the fluid coming back is great, so I'm scheduled to go back in four weeks.  If the mass reappears in that time period and begins to cause trouble I will have to have it surgically removed.  The good news though is that for now its gone and I'm allowed to go back to doing normal workouts. YAY!!!! 
When I got to the gym today I was excited to workout, because being able to train as normal is awesome.  I decided to do Lizzie which involves power cleans and ring dips.  After completing the workout I did part of the Not for Time (NFT) posted and then an endurance WOD.

Power Cleans (115/185) I did 85lbs
Ring Dips (Red band)
MY TIME: 4:44

Endurance WOD
Row 30s then rest 20s for 8 sets
Rowed a total of 1087m in 4 minutes

NFT (Not for Time)
100 Sit-ups

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Today's Workout

This weekend I took some rest days and had some fun with friends.  So two rest days Friday and Saturday, and back to the gym today.  Today's workout was a Team WOD.  We were placed on teams of three.  My team was composed of myself, Trevor, and Drew.  The guys did an awesome job, especially with the 20lb wallballs and the 1.5 pood kettlebell being held over head.

Today's WOD
100 burpees without the pushup
100 pushups
200 air squats
100 wallballs (20lbs)
300 sit-ups
100 burpees
Row 3000m while resting members hold a 1.5 pood kettlebell overhead

Great Workout Guys:)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Are you a runner?"

Recently, someone asked me a simple question, "Are you a runner?"  At the time I took the easy way out and just said "yes."  The simple answer that didn't need an explanation, but the truth is I'm so much more than a runner.  I should have taken the time to really answer the question.  In the purest sense of the word "runner" I am not a "runner."  Let me explain, I do not train simply to run 5k's and half marathons.  I train to become better at everything (i.e. running, lifting, body weight exercises, gymnastics movements, etc.).  I just happen to like to run on the weekends in races.  I don't run to win, I run to train and be faster.  If I win that just makes it sweeter.  I consider myself an athlete.  I may not be the best at any one thing but I am able to do everything.  I love trying knew things, pushing myself to the limit, and improving.  I consider all Crossfitters athletes.  We may run, swim, bike, etc. on the side but we are athletes, not just an individualistic expert.  We learn different movements from olympic lifting to gymnastics.  We push ourselves in our workouts; we want to be better; we want to be stronger; we want to become faster and more efficient; we are driven.  I think this is what makes us Crossfitters, the want to be more than we are.  So to answer the aforementioned question: "No, I'm not a runner.  I'm an athlete."

Today's WOD
 7 Rounds
5 HSPU (Handstand push-ups) Modified for me
10 Deadlifts (155/225)
10 Chest to bar pull-ups (Skinny black band)
20 Double unders (Don't even want to talk about it)

Time: 27:14

The Pull-up Cage

Endurance WOD
30 second sprint on Rower with 2 minutes of active rest (keep rowing) for 6 sets

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Endurance Workout

Endurance workouts are different from regular workouts.  Most endurance workouts require either running, rowing, swimming or biking, whatever endurance sport you are training for.  I am doing at least two additional endurance workouts per week and one long run, while I'm training for the half marathon, and I am dedicated to doing at least one endurance workout per week once the half marathon is completed.  Today I completed an endurance workout after two days of rest.  If you are a runner or triathlete I would recommend adding endurance workouts to your training program.  To view crossfit endurance workouts just follow the link:

Today's Workout
 Crossfit Endurance WOD:
4 x 1000 m row with 3 minute rest between each set
1. 4:34
2. 4: 24
3. 4: 30
4. 4:32

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Team Workout

Yesterday's workout was a team workout.  There were an even amount of girls and guys at the gym last night, so it was decided that we would compete in those respective groups.  My team was comprised of some of the strongest, quickest, determined women I know.  We put up a good fight against the guys and we were confident that we could win the workout.

The Workout and Rules
100 Clean and jerk (75/115)
200 Bear crawls (approximately 48 ft)
100 Front squats (75/115)
200 Burpees
100 Pull-ups
200 Clean Balls (a med ball clean into a wall ball) (14/20)
100 Push-ups
500 Double unders
Three people at a time could be working while three rested

Our strategy was to go until we got tired

Let's Do This
5 of the 6: Candice, Ashley, me, Sara, and Katie
3-2-1- GO!!!!  Time to start the workout.  Candice, Sarah, and I are on the bars ready to go we rep out until we are tired then Katie, Ashley, and Leslie take over.  When they get tired we switch again.  Only 10 more Clean and jerks and we can move on.  We count them down 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, on to the next exercise.  The guys are beating us at this point, but it's OK we can catch them.  We knock out the bear crawls three at a time.  Each group taking its turn after one crawl.  We are not as tired as the guys and we are gaining ground.  Only 3 more to go and we are done.  We move on to the front squats and are beating the guys.  100 front squats are finished in no time.  Then the 200 burpees that seem to take forever.  We are pushing with everything we have, "Come on girls, we got this."  Finally, we finish and we are running to the pull-up bar hoping to extend our lead.  I knock out 10 and then rest and wait.  60 are done and I'm back on the bar, I knock out another 10 pull-ups and we have only 5 left. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, then we're up and running to do clean balls.  I'm resting, Katie knocks out 15, a total of 35 are completed and I'm back on the wall doing clean balls, 65 are done now, then 95.  We are almost half way there and the guys are gaining ground.  We continue to push and before you know it the exercise is complete.  Push-ups are next.  We knock them out 10 at a time.  The guys have caught us.  Time for double unders.  We are so tired.  My legs are completely gone but I along with my teammates continue to  push ourselves to the limit.  We want to win, we want bragging rights.  We push and push but the guys finish before us.  We continue and finish the workout in under 42 minutes.   Not bad, but we will get the guys next time.  Great job ladies, I'm honored to call you all my teammates.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Olympic Lifting: I clean, I jerk, and attempt to snatch

For me I feel like the Olympic lifts in Crossfit are the hardest movements.  To try and improve my form, today, I attended an Olympic lifting seminar at Thunder.  The snatch was the first movement covered in the seminar.  This is the Olympic lift that I am the least comfortable with and need the most work on.  This movement intimidates me like no other.  To trust my strength and fall underneath the bar is so hard for me, especially when I am expected to hit a full squat when I receive the bar overhead.  Starting out working on this movement and trying to increase my confidence my coach told me to work solidly on the Power snatch, in which, I would not have to hit the full squat.  When I engage in this movement from the floor-up I tend to jump backward and land in an awkward position.  This is something I truly need to work on.  To work on this movement overall I am going to try and work on snatch balances at least one time a week once I am 100% with my wrist.

The next movement covered was the clean.  I am confident in my clean and my ability to execute this lift.  Out of all of the Olympic lifts it is the one that I think I am best at.  However, I tend to pull a little early on the lift and sometimes tend to jump back, but I do not experience a lot of difficulty executing the full squat in this movement.  I know that once I am healthy I need to work on the timing of this lift, especially, the pull.

After covering the clean, we moved on to the jerk.  I prefer to split jerk instead of push jerk, because I feel like it forces me to actually jerk instead of push press.  The jerk is a movement that requires you to fall under the bar as well but it does not intimidate me like the snatch does.  I'm more confident with the movement, but I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that the jerk does not come straight from the floor.

The final movement was the combo: the clean and jerk.  I like the clean and jerk and am confident in this movement.  However, right now going heavy is not an option.  I hope to be back setting PR's and improving my technique soon.

Coach Jeb's 270lb snatch

Friday, January 7, 2011

Training Run 2

Today I ran four miles in preparation for the half marathon I'll be running in April.  Thanks for coming with me Candice.  Determination is being sick and running in 30 degree weather.  You are awesome:)

After the run

Training Run 2 by caseyheatherman1 at Garmin Connect - Details

Training Run 2 by caseyheatherman1 at Garmin Connect - Details
Ran 4 miles today with Candice. For details click on the link above.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Inspiration comes from many places.  For me, inspiration is all around me.  In my job I get to work with and meet some of the most exceptional people.  Although, they are merely children many are wise beyond their years.  Their everyday is much different from mine.  Their struggles make them the strong-willed, determined people they are.  They may be impaired physically or have barriers due to a lack of ability to express themselves, but these kids are just happy to be doing what they are doing.  I truly admire them and they inspire me more than they'll ever know.

I also gain inspiration from the women that I workout with at the gym.  They are so determined and ready to go everyday, day in and day out.  These women are sisters, mothers, wives, but they are so much more.  They are athletes who are determined to do everything as it is written.  I am blessed to know these women and I am glad to call them my friends.

Not only do the women inspire me but the men do as well.  These guys push everyday to be stronger, go harder, and work faster.  It's amazing to step back and watch them lift heavy weight and see the speed and agility they have as they do it.

I am a fortunate person to have so many great people in my life.  You all are great people with awesome strengths.  Thanks for inspiring and motivating me.

Pat in an L-Sit
Endurance WOD:
10 minutes of rowing
Total:2121meters rowed in 10 minutes

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


The WOD (Workout of the Day) today was "Annie."  "Annie" is one of Crossfits girl workouts, one of the new girls not an original benchmark workout.  I like many Crossfitters consider the girls to be some of the hardest workouts I have ever engaged in.  "Annie" while she may look easy is not my friend.  Today was the first day I ever did "Annie" RX'd (perscribed-I did all the exercises as stated).  It was super tough but I survived and after doing the workout I did my first Endurance workout of the year to help in preparation of the half marathon in Nashville.

Double Unders
My time: 14:24

Endurance WOD:
Row 1000 meters 5 times taking a 90 second rest between each 1000 meters
Beachfork Triathlon: The ladies of CF Thunder

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Era of Modification

As I've previously mentioned in my blog I currently am having difficulty with my wrist.  It is not a workout related injury at all.  Over a year ago I developed what is thought to be a ganglion cyst on my wrist.  Until two weeks ago the cyst never effected me in anyway but then the pain came.  The pain just radiated up my arm and now the numbness in the top of my hand is my main concern.  I am awaiting an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon to find out what has to occur in order to go back to "normal."

Anyway, because of said injury I've had to modify my workouts accordingly.  Currently, I'm not allowed to do any movement that compromises the positioning of my wrist, which translates into no push-ups, burpees, cleans, jerks, snatches, push press, overhead squats, etc.  I am not enjoying this at all because I'm having to modify almost all of the workouts.  It has been frustrating but I would rather modify and stay healthy than further injure my wrist. 

There is nothing wrong with modification.  I have had to do it sometimes because of the lack of strength.  I modify weights when needed.  It's just having to modify the exercise completely that is frustrating for me at the moment.  I encourage everyone out there to modify as needed and just try some of the workouts that I post.

Today WOD (Workout of the Day)
3 Rounds
30 Squat Cleans 65lbs/95lbs (my modification 1 pood goblet squats)
30 pull-ups (used the thin black band 2 rds; red band last rd)
800 M run
My time: 29:23

Badger is a Hero Workout.  It was named in honor of Navy Cheif Petty Officer Mark Carter, 27, of Virginia Beach, VA who was killed in Iraq on December 11, 2007.
Hero Workouts hurt the most but also mean the most.

Monday, January 3, 2011

A Day of Rest

Today is my day of rest.  Rest is very important when training.  Taking a day or two to rest helps your body recover and is a preventative measure in reducing and eliminating injury while training.  I am using my day of rest to reflect on the past.  Over the course of my training I have reached many of my goals and continue to strive to meet new goals.  An important part of training is eating right.  Lately, those two words have not been beside each other in my vocabulary.  During the holidays I was not conscious about what I ate and it showed in how I felt physically and how my training went.  I have got to eat better and that has started today.

I am truly proud of my husband because while I've been eating like crap he has stayed on track for the most part.  Pat is an inspiration to me.  He has done so well over the past 8 months.  He has set PRs (personal records) in the gym, improved WOD (workout of the day) times, and stuck to a paleo friendly diet for the most part.  Pat has lost over 30 pounds while training and continues to lean out.  

After being a semi-yoyo dieter (I've done weight watchers several times to lose weight) I have to admit that the paleo diet (AKA Caveman diet) has really worked for me and allowed me to stay on track for the most part.  In addition to the fruit, veggies, and nuts the diet allows I add dairy and eggs because I'm a vegetarian.  I drink at least one protein shake per day if not more (I recommend Syntha 6 peanutbutter chocolate) and I eat carbmaster yogurt (12 g protein) or eggs to add protein.  If you are looking for a new diet for the new year check out the paleo diet.  Good luck in the new year with all your resolutions.   

Beachfork Triathlon 2010

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year = New Goals

I finally took time to write down all of my goals for 2011 involving my training, so here they are:
  • Do a half marathon: I am currently training for the half marathon that will be held in Nashville with some of my Crossfit Thunder family.  I'll post runs at least one time per week.
  • Do dead hang pull-ups and consistently do pull-ups rx'd in all workouts: I can currently do kipping pull-ups, however, this is not a great skill so I need to take time and work on it.
  • Do unassisted ring dips in workouts: Currently I am able to go down in the ring dip but I do not have enough strength to push myself up.  Due to my wrist and pending ortho appointment I will have to begin working on this once I have been cleared.
  • Do handstand push-ups in workouts: I currently do these modified either with bands or on a box.
  • Do a muscle-up: The ultimate gymnastics movement in Crossfit.  To do this movement I have to get my ring dips.
  • Increase deadlift to 300lbs: Current deadlift is 220lbs.
  • Increase back squat to 200lbs: Current back squat is 165lbs.
  • Increase clean and power clean to 140lbs: Current clean is 95lbs and power clean is 100lbs.
  • Increase push press to 140lbs: Current push press is 110lbs.
  • Improve olympic lifting technique: By improving overall technique my times on WODS will be better and my ability to lift heavy weight will increase.
  • Improve 5K time to under 26 minutes: Current PR on 5K 27:55
  • Do at least one Crossfit Endurance workout per week.
  • Get my Level I Crossfit Certification.

Happy New Year from Crossfit Thunder
Being a new year and all I had my body fat checked again.  Here are the results compared to April of 2010 when I began Crossfit Thunder.

April 2010                     January 2, 2011
B 14                              11
T 31                              22
SS 28                            20
SI 25                             13
Difference in Bicep 3
Difference in Tricep 9
Difference in Back 8
Difference in Stomach 12

Today's WOD:
Tabata (20 seconds on 10 seconds off for 4 minutes with one minute rest between exercise)
Box Jumps
Kettle Bell Swings (1 pood)
Double unders

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Run

New Year's by caseyheatherman1 at Garmin Connect - Details

Today's activity was a three mile run with some of the girls of Crossfit. Click on the link above to view the details of our run. This is our first run to prepare for the half marathon in Nashville. Hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday:)