Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Warrior Dash and Bear's First Run

So this weekend marked my second Warrior Dash in Logan, Ohio.  Wow, what a difference a state makes.  This course was all hill and it was tough.  Not any injuries this time but an enjoyable time with great friends.  I definitely recommend trying a race like this one.  Check out http://www.warriordash.com/ for upcoming races and details about obstacles in some of the courses.  There are two coming up close by in Ohio and in Tennessee.

When I returned from the Dash, I took Bear for his first run in Ritter Park.  For those of you who don't know, Bear is our new edition who is full of energy and is going to be my running partner.  He is part sheep dog and a bunch of other stuff.  He did great and 1.5 miles in the morning didn't slow him down at all, so he returned to the park that evening and ran another mile.  He was super tuckered out. 

Since Thursday I have not been to the gym.  I am battling what I am calling allergies, but thinking more of a cold.  However, I will make my return tomorrow and keep you updated on my progress.  A new challenge has started at our gym and I am taking the challenge.  Details to come soon.

Happy Tuesday everyone:)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Lot of Catching Up to Do

What can I say?   I fell off the wagon of keeping up with my progress.  I have a lot of excuses but the main one is that I haven't had internet at the house for over a month and blogging from my phone takes way too much time.  So I promise to do a better job now.  So what's gone on.

I obviously posted my half-marathon run in Nashville which was an awesome experience.  I am truly blessed to be able to complete these types of races with an awesome group of people.

Since then I got to go to New York with a great group of girls, but the highlight for me had to be running through Central Park.  It was beautiful and amazing.  I would definitely recommend a run through the park if you are in the City.  It is an experience everyone should have.

Coming up tomorrow I leave for the Warrior Dash in Logan, Ohio.  I'll be sure to post about that on Saturday when I return home:)